Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are Bizarre Criticisms of Healthcare Reform Part of a Conspiracy?

It’s interesting that the debate on the proposed healthcare overhaul seems to be focused on stupid urban-legend-style e-mails about putting the ill in concentration camps. I also read about people shouting “socialism” in public forums about the overhaul. The White House sends regular e-mails debunking the stupidest criticisms imaginable.

What about the legitimate criticisms? What about citizens who agree with elements of the proposal but want to lobby for changes to the still in-progress plan? There is not much discussion of that. It makes me wonder if somehow supporters of the overhaul are behind some of the bizarre and obviously silly attacks. It helps push the debate toward straw men and decreases serious discussion. Supporters come off looking good just by dismissing claims about death squads for the elderly. They don't have to get into the finer points.

All things being equal, if something looks like a complex machination or sheer stupidity, it's usually just stupidity. But I’m keeping an open mind. These criticism are so stupid that they work mostly in overhaul proponents’ favor. I suspect at least some supporters of the healthcare overhaul plan welcome these bizarre criticism-- the stupider, the better.


  1. We are absolutely from different sides of the political spectrum, however I think you may be on to something. Note that I haven't talked about the 'death panels' over at LCR. Anyway I think you are right......

  2. In a word... YES. Every possible Chicago-style political trick is in play.

  3. I have to think that you are indeed correct. I read an earlier post of yours, and it seems that you and I agree on a few things when it comes to reform. The stupidity is coming from both sides. Please stop telling people it is going to be deficit neutral. It is not. We can't possbily lower costs and increase care. That just doesn't add up. This whole thing is turning into a joke. Neither side is willing to comprise. Which means; yet again nothing will change.
    I agree with you, people should not lose everything that they work for because they get sick. But having a single payer system in this country will not work. We have to find other ways to lower costs.
    It is time that they are just honest about what they are trying to do and stop passing 1,000 page bills that even they don't understand.

  4. Please stop telling people it is going to be deficit neutral
    Supporters claim it will be, and that's certainly plausible depending on how high they make the high-income "surtax", how much they charge in premiums, and how much they pay out in benefits. So much is up in the air.
