The main points of the article, in my words, are:
- People who buy their insurance through their employer are not truly insured against health problems because a change at their job could end their insurance at any time.
- Health overhaul should not be viewed as a program for the poor (as I say it should be) because most Americans are poor when it comes to healthcare in the sense that they would have trouble paying their expenses in the event of a job loss or other emergency.
If we had to choose between doing health insurance through employers or doing the overhaul proposed by Congress, maybe we should go with the overhaul. An easier solution is to transition away from employers providing benefits. Money was invented so people would not have to be paid in bartered services. Much of this problem would disappear if people were paid in money. Employer-captive is the real problem.
The part about many Americans being unprepared for life’s financial ups-and-downs is true too. Again, the solution is not to find a Band-Aid to manage this fact. The better approach is for people to be prepared, i.e. set aside money to cover life’s ups-and-downs.
It seems like supporters of the current overhaul proposal offer complicated Band-Aids to deal with healthcare problems but do not address the problems themselves.