Somehow I got on the mailing list for Mom’s Rising. It’s a progressive newsletter focused on mothers’ issues. Today’s mailing was about foreclosure. Progressives are really on the wrong track with this issue. They show a person with a sympathetic-looking headshot but provide no details on why she can't pay her bills.
The unbelievable part of it is that OneWest — her bank — doesn’t even have to talk with my mom before selling her house right out from under her.I wish they had said what they want the bank to talk about. Does Mom's Rising want them to call her and say, "So what did you do with all that money we gave you?" and then try to get her to give them a sob story?
Today, right now in fact, members of our partner organization, ACORN, are sitting-in at the offices of OneWest and the other three banks whose mortgage servicing companies won’t sign on to Obama’s Making Home Affordable plan.I usually look up to people participating in a sit-in, but they're doing one to stand up for the right for people not to pay their bills? This position alienates everyone except for extremists who don’t believe in private property.
Foreclosure is a great thing for the consumer:
- The borrower usually is not responsible for the deficit balance if they owe more than the house is worth.
- The borrower doesn’t have to make payments during the foreclosure process.
- The foreclosure process takes several months, sometimes a year.
- In four year’s time the borrower will be eligible for another partially gov’t subsidized home loan, even though they didn’t pay their last home loan as agreed.
- Right now there are plenty of good deals on rentals because the real estate bubble led to excess supply.
... are you sure it's an erroneous image? :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, nice to see we're on the same page on this issue.
I'm sorry, I know this os off topic but you do not have any environmental posts up right now.
ReplyDeleteHeres 2 most rudimentary ways to prove that CO2 does not cause global warming:
Heres some things about CO2 that your friends won't tell you: The fact is any Carbon Dioxide emitted by a smokestack or a tailpipe sinks to and into the ground like a rock in the water because Carbon Dioxide is far heavier than air. Air is a nearly constant solution of CO2, O2 and other trace elements similar to salt water. CO2 doesn't pile up in the atmosphere because of the oxygen and other trace gasses that are far lighter than CO2. That is Global Warming hoax #1 plain and simple. Water is in the air just like CO2. Yet when there is too much water in the air, it forms clouds. When the clouds get thick enough, and the water becomes heavy enough it falls as rain, but they don't teach that in science class anymore. That is the reality behind "Green." Funny thing is when I ask those who support Global Warming about this they responded with silence."
You can prove this effect by filling a beaker with pure CO2 and corking it. Then light several candles on a table. Uncork, then turn upside down the CO2 beaker 2-3 ft directly above the candles. You will see the candles go out as the excess CO2 falls to the floor. I retried this with candles above the CO2 beaker by tying the to stings hanging horizintally off my ceiling fan and CO2 being dumped had no efffect on candles above, but always snuffed out the candles below.
This is a most rudimentary way to prove what happens to excess CO2. When I have done this in front of or asked so-called experts about this, they were dumbfounded.
So remember folks, when you drive, breathe or do anything else, your CO2 goes into the ground just like rain after a rainstorm where the roots of plants absorb it as food. Also remember that our bodies as well as our planet is mostly carbon. Lastly, despite what Al Gore says, it is the Sun that heats the Earth, not CO2. If "runaway greenhouse effect" was happening, Earth would be a mirror image of Venus.
Atmospheric Density is another question. With CO2 being much heavier and more dense than air, how come the measure of atmospheric density A.K.A. barometric pressure has not risen? That is because CO2 levels are not rising. The average barometric pressure at sea level has not changed one bit since readings began being recorded.
One more little thing, this year, Arctic Sea Ice is higher than average and much higher than ALGORE predicted for this year so the Polar Bears will be okay for a while
So my question is why cap and trade anything when India and China have no emissions controls on anything and our economy is treading water. Have you noticed that Gore Pelosi, Waxman and Markey all own stakes in the businesses that will be trading "carbon credits"? WE are made of Carbon, our planet is made of carbon and new let's tax carbon! That's thinkin' with your dipstick jimmy!
I didn't want to get into this off-topic issue here, but someone came upon this page looking for info on CO2 emissions.
ReplyDeleteThe claim that CO2 emissions simply disappear into the ground with no effect on the environment is wrong. You can read a subsequent post, Wishing Thinking on Climate Change, for more info.