Somehow I got on the mailing list for Mom’s Rising. It’s a progressive newsletter focused on mothers’ issues. Today’s mailing was about foreclosure. Progressives are really on the wrong track with this issue. They show a person with a sympathetic-looking headshot but provide no details on why she can't pay her bills.
The unbelievable part of it is that OneWest — her bank — doesn’t even have to talk with my mom before selling her house right out from under her.I wish they had said what they want the bank to talk about. Does Mom's Rising want them to call her and say, "So what did you do with all that money we gave you?" and then try to get her to give them a sob story?
Today, right now in fact, members of our partner organization, ACORN, are sitting-in at the offices of OneWest and the other three banks whose mortgage servicing companies won’t sign on to Obama’s Making Home Affordable plan.I usually look up to people participating in a sit-in, but they're doing one to stand up for the right for people not to pay their bills? This position alienates everyone except for extremists who don’t believe in private property.
Foreclosure is a great thing for the consumer:
- The borrower usually is not responsible for the deficit balance if they owe more than the house is worth.
- The borrower doesn’t have to make payments during the foreclosure process.
- The foreclosure process takes several months, sometimes a year.
- In four year’s time the borrower will be eligible for another partially gov’t subsidized home loan, even though they didn’t pay their last home loan as agreed.
- Right now there are plenty of good deals on rentals because the real estate bubble led to excess supply.