Sunday, August 17, 2008

Negative Tone in Obama Fundraising Letter

I wonder what the motivation is behind the repetitive negative language in this Obama fundraising letter. It has nine consecutive sentences beginning with the words “I don’t”.
I don’t want to wake up four years from now and find out that millions of Americans still lack health care because Washington wouldn’t take on the insurance industry. I don’t want to see that millions more jobs have been shipped overseas as we stood idly by and allowed our economy to remain tilted against working Americans.

I don’t want to see that the oceans have risen a few more inches and that the planet has reached a point of no return because we couldn’t find a way to stop buying oil from dictators.

I don’t want to see more American lives put at risk because no one had the judgment or the courage to bring a misguided war to a responsible end. I don’t want to see homeless veterans on the streets. I don’t want to send another generation of American children to failing schools.

I don’t want that future for my daughters. I don’t want that for America.

There probably is a good political reason to write like this, but I can’t imagine what it is.

1 comment:

  1. Off the cuff, this sounds like a letter from someone who is looking forward and visualizing what could be if we (our country) continue on the same track and then deciding he doesn't want life to be that way for himself, the earth, the people he loves, his fellow Americans, his family.

    We have serious, global problems that can be solved if only we would come together and cooperate. But we have these huge, massively rich corporations controlled by a few that use every resource available to keep us divided.

    I'll give you an example, the guy from MIT who wants to make $100 laptops and distribute to poor kids. It's possible to do, but he's blocked by Intel and Microsoft, because these laptops are open source and that kind of distribution can't be allowed, it will cut their future market share. There's more to it than this, but it's easy enough to find the facts with a keyword search. I get upset when I think about it, this should be against the law, to block poor kids' access to information and education. That's a great way to keep people divided too, cut them off from the rest of the world without any money or resources. They grow up not playing well with others, and that's perfect for corporate execs who stall human progress so that they can hoard power and wealth.

    Getting back to the nine consecutive sentences beginning with the words "I don't" - it's another, creative way of saying, we're in trouble, we need to do something.

    I just wanted to stop by and thank you for commenting on my blog. :) You make some interesting points re: health care, oil prices, living without credit cards. Lots of solutions here, I'll be back.
