This weekend was the summer solstice, which some people consider the official beginning of summer. My wife and I went to a nice summer solstice (aka Litha) celebration yesterday in Olbrich Park.
There was a bonfire, puppets representing the seasons, organizations with information about things people can do to improve Madison's lakes and streams, and plenty of kids running around playing. Parking contained as many bikes as cars.
If you live in a sprawling community where people commute from homes in one suburb to jobs in another suburb, where people don't know one another and are driven by fear and greed, it's not because of human nature. There are choices about whom you want to live with and how people plan the logistics of their communities. Values of a community reach a critical mass point at which most people go along with them.
Don't forget the great kites at the solstice festival, which has been put on by The Friends of Starkweather Creek about six years. Plus there is a winter solstice bonfire/festival, too. Google "Friends of Starkweather Creek" and get on their email list.